How you introduce the questionnaire will, to some extent, influence how students answer the statements. The following suggestions
for introduction the questionnaire aim to help students understand what the questionnaire is about and why it is important.
• ‘The questionnaire has 70+ statements and you have to
indicate which answer is most like you’
• ‘Answer honestly for you. There are no right or
wrong answers’
• ‘Your answers should reflect what you actually
do, not what you think is the best answer’
• ‘Don’t rush, think carefully. This is all about you’
• ‘It should take you between 5-10 mins to
complete the questionnaire
• ‘The questionnaire has 70+ statements and you have to
indicate which answer is most like you’
• ‘Answer honestly for you. There are no right or
wrong answers’
• ‘Your answers should reflect what you actually
do, not what you think is the best answer’
• ‘Don’t rush, think carefully. This is all about you’
• ‘It should take you between 5-10 mins to
complete the questionnaire ’
• ‘After the questionnaire you will see some information
about how often you are using each aspect of learning. This is
your current Learning Power Profile’
‘Remember – this is not about being a good or
poor learner. The profile will give us a clue about
what to work on next’
• Explain whether they should print out the
profile and what to do with it
• Explain how to access the written explanations
• ‘After the questionnaire you will see some information
about how often you are using each aspect of learning. This is
a profile of how you are using your learning
muscles at the moment’
• Explain what you want students to do with
their profile (read on-screen, print-out, etc.)
• Explain how they can access explanations
• Explain what you want them to do with the
suggested activity
• ‘These 4Rs are sometimes likened to learning
muscles, all of which need to be exercised so that
they become stronger’
• ‘This quiz is about how you are using these
learning muscles just now’
• ‘From your answers the computer will calculate
how much you seem to be using each R muscle at
the moment’
Explain how you intend to use the results.
e.g. to structure learning power conversations, to help
plan teaching, to gain a class profile, etc.
For groups familiar with BLP
• ‘This quiz is about how you are using your
learning muscles now’
• ‘It will help you to reflect on the Learning
Power groups that we have been talking about
– Critical curiosity, Learning relationships’ etc.
For groups unfamiliar with BLP
You might explain:
• That everyone can get better at learning by
becoming more aware of their learning habits
• That there are several types of learning habits.
Give a simple sentence explanation of each R
• ‘From your answers the computer will calculate
how much you seem to be using each area of learning at
the moment’
• ‘This analysis will help us to talk about how you
are learning now, which muscles you are using
most often and which might need strengthening’
• ‘The information will help me (your teacher) to
plan how we can strengthen everyone’s learning
muscles. It will help you to think about your
learning power goals.’